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Thursday, November 30, 2017

The broiler chicken we are inevitable

The broiler chicken we are inevitable

The prone chicken hormone that we are inevitable is the factor of many of the hormones in our body. The broiler chicken is rich in fat and nutrients with many injections.

12 types of chemicals are used to grow broiler chicken. It is said that this is due to their diet and the health of people who eat it.

We love the broiler chickens and we eat the bones in the bones completely, the jaundice, the gastrointestinal and the liver failure. Because of the muscle growth of the broiler chickens by pins. This becomes the tool for the destruction of cells in the vagina of men.
Importantly, we have to watch the yolk in the ovary and the white tissue is less. But the broiler chicken is high in the white nucleus and the yolk. Thus, the broiler chicken egg does not give you any magic.

The yolk in the ovule contains good cholesterol. Eating two octopus eggs will enhance mood and protect the health of the heart.
Menstrual cycle disorders, days passing, and menopause at the right time. Bryolar chicken is a healthier problem for women to get pregnant at a young age among women. Women at a very young age are women. Women are absolutely essential to avoid the broiler chicken from childhood. Furthermore, broiler chicken is a major factor in the development of various hormonal problems in the body of men and women

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